Pat Long, BSN, Admin, RN
Having literally reviewed hundreds of policy and procedure manuals throughout my 25 year history in this industry as a CARF surveyor, consultant, and adult day health care center administrator/operator, I can say that I have never seen a better written, well organized policy and procedure manual than the one offered by Total ADHC Solutions. The founder of the company, Amanda Graham Sillars, MSW, LCSW is passionate about her company’s products and meticulous in the development of any manual produced by Total ADHC Solutions. Ensuring that all Adult Day Service manuals are updated regularly to serve as a useful working tools that support the center’s overall success. Total ADHC Solutions and Amanda provide services and manuals exclusively for the Adult Day Industry allowing for a specialization in the field to which no one can be compared.
Pat Long, BSN, ADMIN, RNCARF Surveyor, Retired ADHC Administrator/Operator