When was the last time you updated your policy and procedure manual?
If you’re like most centers in California, this hasn’t occurred in over 10 years, if ever! Policy and Procedure manuals must be continually updated to ensure compliance with regulations*, as well as to help you avoid lawsuits.
There have been numerous changes to our program over the last 15 years, and our new policy and procedure manual captures these: from new CBAS requirements (does your manual even reference CBAS?), elopement procedures, person-centered planning requirements, new eligibility criteria, HIPAA, incident reporting, elder abuse, medication administration and so many more.
Although this manual has been over 20 years in the making, Amanda has worked on it tirelessly for the past six-months, consulting with members CDA staff and CDPH to ensure accuracy of clinical and administrative policy, and researching both federal and state laws, title 22, All Facility Letters, All Center Letters, SOPs, STCs and legislative updates, such as SB 428, SB 91 and SB 1755– to name a few.
All policy and procedure manuals are customized to your center by integrating your answers to our policy and procedure questionnaire prior to initial delivery. They are printed on security paper to help protect your investment. We offer three options:
Deluxe Package: Includes: initial customization, 60 day review customization**, free updates throughout 2018***, CDA/CDPH Corrections****, our Forms Manual: over 100 forms in Word format, completely integrated with the Policy and Procedure Manual, Employee/Personnel Manual in Word format.
Customized Package: Includes initial customization and 60 day review customization**.
Simple Policy and Procedure: Includes initial customization.
*CCR Title 22, Division 3 Chapter 5, 54401, Medi-Cal 2020 Demonstration SOP H, ERS
** You will have sixty days to review the manual, and make any changes to further customize your manual to your center. We will make those changes and provide you with an updated manual.
*** Don’t worry about your policy and procedure manual being out of date when CDA/CDPH or other Federal, State or other agencies require a new policy or procedure. We will provide all required updates to the manual through 2018
**** If CDA/CDPH give you a correction in regard to any of the policies and procedures, we will update your policy & procedure AND write the correction to the deficiency. (This includes only deficiencies with the policy/procedure, not if you and/or your staff were not following the procedure.)
All P&P manuals are printed on security paper and may not be duplicated or edited. Each manual is to be used for one center only. E-file format is not available. All manuals will be customized with center name and other identifying information. Center administrator is required to sign an End User License Agreement prior to receiving the manual(s).
There are no refunds or returns of our products