Reference: CCR Title 22, Division 3, Chapter 5, 54319, 54323, Division 5, Chapter 10, 78313, 78317
Participants who are unable to self-administer their own medications shall be assisted by the nursing staff to ensure that medications are taken as indicated by physician when they are prescribed to be taken while participant is at the center.
Staff Responsible:
Registered Nurse
Medication Administration Record
Reference: CCR Title 22, Division 5, Chapter 10, 78505, California Medi-Cal 2020 Demonstration, SOP (D).
Generic ADHC/CBAS is designed, equipped and maintained to provide a safe and healthy environment.
Staff Responsible:
Program Director
Reference: CCR Title 22, Division 3, Chapter 5, 54339, Division 5, Chapter 10, 78341, California Medi-Cal 2020 Demonstration, SOP B, STC 45
Generic ADHC/CBAS shall provide planned and structured activities which utilize the participant’s skills to the highest extent possible, respond to the participant’s interests, capabilities, and needs and minimize any impairments in capacity to engage in those activities, resume self-care and normal activities and/or prevent further deterioration.
Staff Responsible:
Program Director
Activity Coordinator
Reference: CCR Title 22, Division 3, Chapter 5, 54321, Division 5, Chapter 10, 78345, California Medi-Cal 2020 Demonstration SOP H, STC 47
Each participant shall have a discharge plan which is completed within the first six-months following admission, and updated during each subsequent six-month reassessment periods.
Staff Responsible:
Social Worker
Multidisciplinary Team
Discharge Planning Form