Emergency Remote Services, also referred to as ERS are here, and we’ve created Policy and Procedures for the newest service to be provided to CBAS participants. This addendum to your center’s Policy and Procedure Manual is 19 pages, and covers everything from eligibility for ERS, to completing the CEIF form. Use to ensure your center is providng the service correctly, and to meet the staff training requirement.
These are the Policy and Procedures utilized in Amanda’s own center.
BONUS: Purchase the ERS Policies and Procedures and receive a free fillable word form that staff can utilize as a worksheet for personal healt emergencies prior to completing the CEIF, as well as a sample completed worksheet that can also be used to train staff.
These policies and procedures will be delivered through email. They are in a word document so you can edit and customize for your center.
Price: $175.00.
Please allow 2-3 business days for delivery.